Saturday, May 10, 2014


the holy trinity: I just saw this “call for submissions”. Here’s what I replied:...

I just saw this “call for submissions”. Here’s what I replied:
Subject: I have an uncomfortable feeling they’re serious It was bound to happen. Artists have been trying for decades to break the bonds of craft. Why should anyone learn how to do anything? It just slows you down.
I picture someone pointing to an empty wall at an Invisible Painting Exhibition. “Breathtaking,” one person says. A companion nods wisely. “Exquisite.” Another one says, “It sucks.” The first person says, “Your imagination is sadly lacking, Grunson. You need an imagination workout.” Grunson says, “Give me something to work with, then. Where’s the wine?” I could go on. Anyone remember The Emperor’s New Clothes? BUT…if you really believe that invisible painting is something worthy of your literary efforts, please, go ahead. Write the essay. Be sure to report back.

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