Saturday, May 10, 2014


The semi-angry comment type: “You like to get the raw reaction you’re getting from me, right now. Justify your behavior. Are you just clueless or really enjoying this mind-fuck? Your response makes it sound like I was OK with your initial contact and was interested. Where do get the nerve to respond in the way you did?”
Now from the distant look of many years passed by from the initial interaction with public that started in 1998 one can clearly see how “email” or website “posting” and the Internet itself helped to amplify the effect of the gleitzeit art content to produce similarly amplified written reaction. Its very unlikely that something like this could occur in real time, in direct communication face to face and so forth. 
The internet stimulated Gleitzeit art interaction. Each new interesting comment and reaction had enforced the Gleitzeit art outreach to continue.
If for the artist in real life a negative reaction could potentially be damaging, the formula of Gleitzeit art outreach on the Internet incorporated any negative reaction as similarly positive drive.
People criticized a visual artwork that wasn’t presented in the visual form. Surely this turned to be very interesting. 
(Source: generationinvisible)

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