Saturday, May 10, 2014


the holy trinity: Hopefully, it will serve to awaken everyone to the fact that this sad...

Hopefully, it will serve to awaken everyone to the fact that this sad creature is a fraud. A very sick fraud if not a dangerous one. In an attempt to discover how much a fraud “Yustas” is, I sent out 42 emails on Sunday last, querying in New York City. The question I asked was “Do you know of a Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb and/or a Paul Jaisini?” This morning, I visited the two sites you listed. I had been to one in the past. While on those pages, I copied some statements. Yustas/Brigitte Rhaman are all the same person. A well known nutter for the last five years who calls her/him/it self an artist after running into other artists when her site where she hawked used goods supposedly from her desert trader post in some obscure place in the middle east to women, mostly something called Ladies of the Heart which you find though every search engine, and now has ressurected herself as Yustas/Jaisini to hawk this new non existant piece of crap. Another two experts from that page were prophetic: I’m sure she/he/it will oblige all of you with rounds and rounds of verbal vomiting at your expense. You will never get a direct reply. You will always get the verbal runaround. Then, there is this enlightening post: There is no Brigitte Arlette Rahman. Just one really loon living in the United Arab Emirates that likes to glorify his/her/it’s own mind in time and space, while stealing photos of Sophie Marceau and other women, and passing them off as photos of himself/herself/itself, along with stealing photography of other artists, using freeware to manipulate them and put her own fraudulant name on them and calling them his/her/it’s own work. Wake up! This person uses many names on the net for her silly psycho deceptions. Brigitte A Rahman Anataali Taali Yustas Jaisini and a hundred others. Don’t let yourselves be taken in. Think for God’s sake. I hope the last two sentences are followed by all persons here. In defense of my past threatening words to and about this person, I will only say that he/she/it deserves no more respect than I ever showed. The intent of this individual was obvious in his/her/its first ever post. The future was predicted in it. It is time to turn our backs on this creature and make the future something besides the circus we have been attending.
A comment writer starts to work on his conspiracy theory inspired by the essays about Paul Jaisini’s artworks. 

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