Saturday, May 10, 2014


the holy trinity: its an art beyond depressionism it harmonizes the concrete in an non...

its an art beyond depressionism it harmonizes the concrete in an non objective way with an all over omni directional megalomania. 
its esoteric drama is totally on the surface and de-territorialized as sign through superlinearity it folds and unfolds like a card table as abstract machine functioning within the autonomous strata of art against art.
it refuses to have a frame and can be seen by the blind it begs to be put in the center and speaks of proximity and law without concepts. its topic is the void an enterprise with an Asiatic non despotic formation beyond Marx Freud and henry ford.
its an art that can hear but cannot say and spreads across the floor like milk without heat yet not cold. a hyper bourgeoisie flow overcoding mutation as assemblage where no assemblage be a sort of beginners guide in a manner of speaking to unequal exchange but on the other hand non controlling escaping to the periphery.
A parody on Gleitzeit Manifesto and Marble Lady.

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