Saturday, May 10, 2014


herewith a content on the pages at The Official Paul Jaisini Site with the web address  The site was removed by AOL without s warning or explanation. It was active online only for a month or two.


The photo shows an example of a single-sheet four-fold brochure that was printed on demand to be mailed in a postal envelope to an art gallery. Mailing by US Postal Service started in around 1993. 
The information on the page as follows:
Black Spot
Feed the Need
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Color Fever


Brigitte writes regarding Wet Dream oil painting by Paul Jaisini: “I have been to museums… I have seen many painters at work and what you describe in your book is all too familiar to me. I want the plainness of the earth and the sophistication… To see Paul Jaisini’s art, Yustas, I will have to love you madly and hate you as much, because then I could pass this door that is in your mind and that you keep close. And when I will reach that door, you will push me inside to see how I react… To grow?? Natural?? Yustas, do not play games with me, because if you want this sophistication and let me see a glipse of what I can get from it, I will do the loving and the hating from an outsider point of view like you do yours… And I will feel your pain and enjoy it when I arouse you madly and bite into your neck so deep that i will drink your blood and then I will kneel between your legs and drink your sperm…”


The photo shows an example of a single-sheet tri-fold brochure that was printed on demand to be mailed in a postal envelope to an art gallery, art museums and publications. Mailing by US Postal Service started in early 90s. Paul Jaisini “Show Time”


A writer I am not neither am I emancipated from my art history rhetoric enough to respond to this criticism hesitant to formulate a response based on the information at hand having a difficult time visualizing the image. Being trapped in the parameters of my psychological and genetic make up I am hopelessly visual and rely heavily on descriptive account free of bias before I allow for opinion from anyone. Our parents did it teaching us to hear the confident voice that guides us then allowing the other voices to creep in only quietly and with invitation. So tell me again. What does the painting look like?


A writer I am not neither am I emancipated from my art history rhetoric enough to respond to this criticism hesitant to formulate a response based on the information at hand having a difficult time visualizing the image. Being trapped in the parameters of my psychological and genetic make up I am hopelessly visual and rely heavily on descriptive account free of bias before I allow for opinion from anyone. Our parents did it teaching us to hear the confident voice that guides us then allowing the other voices to creep in only quietly and with invitation. So tell me again. What does the painting look like?


Father Simburger writes on 3/7/00 about the writing talent, remarkable vocabulary and delightful insights enabling to paint a picture in words.
Kim writes on 3/7/00 in regards to Talk Show painting that she wants to know before deleting the long message, is it a physical or conceptual painting. She writes that it makes no sense to read about it if it’s a real painting and she can’t see it. But if it’s conceptual, she’ll read it carefully. If she can see it, she’ll read it after she saw it so she can make better sense of it.


HaiDai writes on 3/6/00 regarding Gleitzeit art and shares that his media poetry is called xfrasis; based on the Greek process Ekphrasis poetry (art within art)
Charles thanks for Narcissus on 3/6/00. He heard stories about Narcissus but never like this and finds it interesting.


the holy trinity: Hopefully, it will serve to awaken everyone to the fact that this sad...

Hopefully, it will serve to awaken everyone to the fact that this sad creature is a fraud. A very sick fraud if not a dangerous one. In an attempt to discover how much a fraud “Yustas” is, I sent out 42 emails on Sunday last, querying in New York City. The question I asked was “Do you know of a Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb and/or a Paul Jaisini?” This morning, I visited the two sites you listed. I had been to one in the past. While on those pages, I copied some statements. Yustas/Brigitte Rhaman are all the same person. A well known nutter for the last five years who calls her/him/it self an artist after running into other artists when her site where she hawked used goods supposedly from her desert trader post in some obscure place in the middle east to women, mostly something called Ladies of the Heart which you find though every search engine, and now has ressurected herself as Yustas/Jaisini to hawk this new non existant piece of crap. Another two experts from that page were prophetic: I’m sure she/he/it will oblige all of you with rounds and rounds of verbal vomiting at your expense. You will never get a direct reply. You will always get the verbal runaround. Then, there is this enlightening post: There is no Brigitte Arlette Rahman. Just one really loon living in the United Arab Emirates that likes to glorify his/her/it’s own mind in time and space, while stealing photos of Sophie Marceau and other women, and passing them off as photos of himself/herself/itself, along with stealing photography of other artists, using freeware to manipulate them and put her own fraudulant name on them and calling them his/her/it’s own work. Wake up! This person uses many names on the net for her silly psycho deceptions. Brigitte A Rahman Anataali Taali Yustas Jaisini and a hundred others. Don’t let yourselves be taken in. Think for God’s sake. I hope the last two sentences are followed by all persons here. In defense of my past threatening words to and about this person, I will only say that he/she/it deserves no more respect than I ever showed. The intent of this individual was obvious in his/her/its first ever post. The future was predicted in it. It is time to turn our backs on this creature and make the future something besides the circus we have been attending.
A comment writer starts to work on his conspiracy theory inspired by the essays about Paul Jaisini’s artworks. 



In invisibility we trust.
I think you’re trying to pull off many legs. What do you do with all those legs you pull from people? Make nonexistent art pieces out of them? Oh, now I remember! the invisible pictures! OK! Good write ups but without the visuals the writing start to dry up. It the writing itself w/o visuals supposed to be the artwork? Hmm, interesting. Let me know. How could I be so blind? In invisibility we trust.
In invisibility we trust! yes indeed


Sounds like this art is everything and nothing, the whole and the parts of the whole. that which was and that which will forever be, a visual deconstruction of the post-structural, the abstract grounded in the actual, the realization of unreality…


Put aside our differences… Yustas, that Drunken Santa sounds interesting. Writing a book? Reading about painting is sort of like looking at pictures of food. Paintings are to be looked at not talked about.


the holy trinity: Strange subject In regards to the text of the “Drunken Santa” review,...

Strange subject In regards to the text of the “Drunken Santa” review, there are no visual or social references from which to gauge a concept, except that the subject matter is a painting. The text indicates a dark spin on a usually cheerful semi-religious office (from the secular to the…
(Source: generationinvisible)